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  • Anna Ault

wood shop

For one of my projects I got to delve into the wood shop to create the foundation for a music box. I was never offered wood shop in high school and I had only created one other thing in the wood shop that is provided to me currently, needless to say, I'm still learning. For instance, my measurements were wrong for the box I was trying to make and I had to improvise to create a "non-traditional" box. Anyways, I am so fascinated by working with wood!!! I don't believe I've ever had so much fun in terms of creating ANYTHING... I'm so thrilled that this new medium has been introduced to me. I haven't felt this inspired to create since I was a little girl playing with acrylics, or fabrics or learning to make paper dolls, I had forgotten what it was like to yearn this much for more knowledge about a type of medium. This experience got me thinking about how I want to run my classroom when I am a teacher in the future. I want my students to be intrigued by what ever we may be doing in the class to the extent that I am currently. I want to instill the same type of "yearning" that I feel at this time. Right now all I can think about is where im going to get my wood for all the ideas I have floating around in my head. I want my students to come to class and be thinking about how they're gonna add more detail to their self portraits or what color scheme would best suit their creation made from clay. Anyways, I feel excited and grateful that I now have a new realm of art to explore.

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