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  • Anna Ault

3D printing

This week I learned how to use a 3D printer. This was so amazing to me because it was like nothing I had ever seen. First I had to scan an object I already owned using the 3D scanner in the classroom. The scanner used two probing red lights to capture the surface of the object (size and shape) and transported the information to the computer. From there, I was able to use a program to clean up the scanned object of any errors as well as give the printer specific instructions on how to print the object.

I learned about the whole new world of 3D printing. 3D printers can be used for so much more than just little nik naks for a shelf, I believe that if we progressed forward with this technology, 3D printing could be the future. We could potentially print clothing articles, car parts, furniture, you name it. I'm particularly intrigued with this kind of printing because I honestly believe that the possibilities are limitless concerning how much we can create and how far we can with this type of technology.

My curiosity has expanded past the idea of scanning objects that are already available to me. I want to try to print something using an image off the internet. I know this can be done, however, I do not know the specifics. I want to learn what kind of material must be used to achieve this goal of mine because it only makes sense that the scanner wont be need anymore. Once I expand my Knowledge of 3D printers, I want to make a pair of clogs. I think it would be incredible to create an article of clothing from this devise.

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