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  • Anna Ault


A few weeks ago I made a post about the Toy Take Apart project we did in class. In the beginning of the project I was utterly confused, but as I delved in and really started to explore, I realized that the possibilities are limitless in terms of what you can create that is mechanical, audible and technological. I learned that once you understand the function and mechanisms of a machine or device, you can then altar it in such a new and creative way. Thinking back to the beginning of this semester, I never in a hundred years would have imagined that I could take apart a toy with bolts and bits and pieces of all kinds and then rearrange everything to make something new. While my end result didn't turn out exactly how I had planned I was still pleased with the knowledge and understanding I gained from the project. Now we're moving into a new project known as the "Impossible Project" (basically the idea is to create something that you have no idea how to do when you begin working on it). I'm really excited to begin this project because I will get another chance to incorporate and use my new skills that I gained from the last project, but also learn a lot more new and exciting information as I work on it over the next few weeks. My idea for this project is to create a spinning statue that plays music, similarly to a ballerina in a music box. The first thing I will need to learn how to do Is make a statue using a 3D printer in the classroom. This step will be the easiest because I will need some instruction and then basically the printer will do everything. After the statue is created I will either 1) work on the musical component of it or 2) work on the motorized spinning aspect of it. I'm thinking that similarly to the toy take apart, I will be able to take apart something that already spins and mount my statue on top of it. I had thoughts that by doing that it may be cheating in some way but I've decided that I think its very innovative to barrow, take apart and combine things to create something new. Anyways, I feel so inspired to create new things. I feel like anyone at any moment who is adventuring this sort of thing could really create something monumental. While I was thinking about what I wanted to do for my Impossible Project I had so many great ideas, some of which, if ever brought into reality could have the potential to make a big impact I think. When I am a teacher I definitely want to incorporate the same "inspiration" in my students. I want them to also be thinking BIG. I think creativity and inspiration co exist and that one can not be without the other, therefor every young child should have a source of inspiration. With the right inspiration, people can do great things.

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